Thursday, March 10, 2005

Pandagon rips Annenberg a new one

I find this very interesting given that I seriously dreamed about studying at Annenberg for a few years. Man, good thing I chose to get into Politics instead, it's so much more honest than what Anneberg is doing...

Pandagon: Woo-Hah!:

I stopped reading near the end of the 2004 election cycle because of this article. It was the sort of blatant hackery that they should have either apologized for or retracted after it became obvious that Kerry told the absolute truth, and their only arguments were a semantic disagreement over whether or not a 30-45% cut was a cut, and whether or not the exact plan Bush proposed shortly after the election was 'known'. Long story short, it was a complete whitewash of the Bush plan, pushing everything Kerry said (which was actually 100% accurate) to the side because Bush hadn't made a formal annoucement yet. Factcheck, predictably, didn't recant a single allegation they made.

Whew, looks like I dodged a bullet. I'd hate to have to sit in a class with a bunch of Tucker Carlson wannabees for the next four years.


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