Monday, December 13, 2004

Religious right refocuses on states- what about the Dems?

Kos has a post today aon how religious right-wingers have refocused their energies on states- and why not, the state level is where a good deal of the legislation that effects our lives happens.

My question is, besides the candidacy of Elliot Spitzer, where is the evidence that the Dems have shifted focus as well?

Oh- and the article contains this choice quote:

"It's like when the hijackers took over those four planes on Sept. 11 and took people to a place where they didn't want to go," she added. "I think a lot of people feel that liberals have taken our country somewhere we don't want to go. I think a lot more people realize this is our country and we're going to take it back."

So now people who want to teach evolution in school and protect women's health are terrorists. Nice. I think she may have missed the memo- liberals founded this country, which is a liberal democracy, and wrote the constitution in such a way that these nutcases would be kept from creating a theocracy


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